The hair grows, these damned!

Already, we women are always destined to fight all their life against hair regrowth on our body. But why do hair grow constantly? Is there a definitive solution to avoid it? Or can we dilute our monthly attendance with the beautician?

The physiology of the hair

The first ever cause is of physiological origin. Hair production is not a continuous action, but follows a life cycle in which the hair follicle enters a quiescent phase with hair removal, a rest period, and a stage of regrowth. This cycle concerns the hair follicles already existing at birth. The cycle consists of three phases: anagen, catagen and telogen. The cycle is independent of each follicle and hence the number of quiescent or resting follicles is not constant, so not all hairs are in the same stage at the same time.

Anagen is the phase of growth and production that is characterized by the resumption of matrix activity that pushes the papilla cells towards the collar with bulb reconstruction. The anagen phase itself is subdivided into further phases, all over 6: anagen I, anagen II, anagen III and anagen IV which are generally called protanagen, anagen V called mesanagen and anagen VI called metanagen. ricrescita dei peli

Catagen is the next phase of anagen. During this period the matrix activity ceases, leaving the hair depigmented. The bulb cells are removed by leaving the papilla uncovered, while the deepest part of the hair becomes atrophic and takes on the appearance of the clays inverted, detaching from the papilla, originating from the root, or the deep part of the hair that is not in contact with the matrix. The swollen hair structure allows it to withstand the follicle if it is not lost for a simple traction.

Hair reduction reaches its peak during the telogen, the rest period, the papilla is reduced to a small sphere that remains in the deepest part of the follicle then resumes its production activity.

To intervene to stop hair regrowth

Where we operators in the industry want to destroy or at least damage the hair matrix, in order not to grow it over time, we must work during the catagen first stage when the hair is small as soon as it is visible on the skin but is still tied to matrix. By waxing hot or cold waxing, and then with photo-processing treatments, this is the strategic time to eliminate them progressively over time, applying perhaps a cosmetic product based on a selective selective proteolytic enzyme after the epilation. The papain contained in the retardant vial.

The papain enzyme and its application

Enzymes are the catalysts of biological systems, their role is to facilitate reactions through the interaction between the substrate (the molecule involved in the chemical reaction) and its active site (the part of the enzyme in which the reactions take place), Forming a complex. fiale ritardanti

Once the reaction has taken place, the product is removed from the enzyme, which remains available to start a new one. In fact, the enzyme is not consumed during the reaction or alters the chemical equilibrium of the reaction itself. TerraMare retardant vials are a unique product capable of reaching the hair matrix and destroying it through the enzymatic action of papain having proteolytic properties or defending the protein called the major constituent keratin. This valuable active ingredient of plant origin has the ability to dissolve dead or damaged cellular proteins leaving intact healthy ones. Applied after epilation, papain reaches the matrix by precipitating into the follicle, dissolving all the cells already affected by the epilation itself. This operation, repeated periodically, makes the matrix inactive, solving the problem of superfluous hair.


Yes, unfortunately ... The physiology of the hair as explained above does want this, but there are many factors that influence that event. The major responsible are hormonal disorders. In fact, in the woman we distinguish two different types of pathology, hypertrichosis and hirsutism, but we will talk about it next time ....

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